22 November 2022
On November 17, «KILIT GLOBAL» presented the student internship programme at UMTE.
Dmitrii Kozlov, the Director of the Russian representative office of KILIT GLOBAL (Turkey), introduced the company and career opportunities for UMTE students. The holding company KILIT GLOBAL has started its work in 1955 as a company that produces goods for tourist service. Nowadays KILIT GLOBAL offers a full range of services: manufactures equipment, agricultural products for hotels, and even has its own brand of textile production. The holding company owns 20 hotels.
The partnership between KILIT GLOBAL and UMTE was established in 2014 and since 2017 the students participate in internship programme as transferman or guide-transferman on Antalya coast in Turkey. Last year representatives of KILIT GLOBAL participated in Career Forum – they organized the workshop «Career Development in the Hospitality Business».
Company representatives spoke about the directions available for employment, working environment and employee requirements, salary, employment documents. The second part of the meeting was devoted to interview of UMTE students interested in internship at KILIT GLOBAL.