24 May 2024
On May 24, Russia celebrates the Day of Slavonic Alphabet and Culture. Slavic writing appeared in the 9th century, and it was then that the alphabet was created.
Slavic languages have developed individually, new rules and forms have appeared, and now they differ significantly from each other. However, they have common roots.
Russia began celebrating the Day of Slavonic Alphabet in 1863 - in the year of the millennium since the creation of the Slavonic alphabet by Cyril and Methodius. In total, the saints compiled two alphabets of Slavic writing - Glagolitic and Cyrillic, and each of them was used. Slavonic manuscripts were also written in both alphabets. The Cyrillic alphabet slowly replaced the Glagolitic alphabet, as it was archaic and more complex.
The Day of Slavonic Alphabet and Culture is one of the most significant holidays for Russian culture. Language as a means of oral and written communication plays an important role in the formation of customs, traditions and mentality. It serves as the foundation on which the transfer of knowledge and spiritual values from generation to generation is based.