Cooperation and experience exchange with the university in Gomel is developing

Cooperation and experience exchange with the university in Gomel is developing

02 July 2024

There was an exchange of positive experience in the design and implementation of educational programs between UMTE and Sukhoi State Technical University of Gomel (Republic of Belarus).

In order to share positive experience in the design and implementation of educational programs, Vitaly Mordovets, Head of the Department of Management of Socio-Economic Systems, and Olga Ugolnikova, Associate Professor of the Department of Management of Socio-Economic Systems, were sent to Sukhoi State Technical University of Gomel (Sukhoi GSTU) for an internship. The internship took place on the basis of the Institute of Advanced Training and Retraining of the Sukhoi State Technical University of Gomel.

The internship was conducted in accordance with the approved plan, its time totaled 40 hours. The interns got acquainted with the higher education system of the Republic of Belarus, educational policy of Sukhoi State Technical University of Gomel and implementation of educational programs of the University.

During the internship events, issues of employers' participation in the educational process of Sukhoi GSTU, practical training, career guidance and employment of students, organization of control and supervisory activities in the field of educational process in the Republic of Belarus, development of educational programs at Sukhoi State Technical University, material, technical and methodological support of the educational process, research work, student academic mobility, organization of project activities were discussed.

Also, working meetings with representatives of key partners of Sukhoi GSTU were held.

The experience gained can be used for the design and implementation of UMTE educational programs and projects.

During the final meeting, Artur Putyato, Rector of Sukhoi State Technical University, expressed his wish to develop cooperation between our universities.