International Roundtable: Russia - Belarus

International Roundtable: Russia - Belarus

11 October 2024

On October 11, as part of the IV International Scientific-Practical Conference "Sociology of Management: Current Issues of Modernity," a roundtable titled "Theoretical and Scientific-Practical Sociological Analysis of Management" was held at Saint Petersburg University of Management Technologies and Economics.

The international roundtable was organized in collaboration with UMTE's partner institution, the Sukhoi State Technical University of Gomel (GGTU named after P. O. Sukhoi), Republic of Belarus.

The main topic of discussion was the establishment of a laboratory for marketing and sociological research at the university.  Vitaly Mordovets, Head of the Department of Management of Socio-Economic Systems, presented a report on the efforts to create this laboratory at UMTE. The laboratory will be organized as a temporary creative team within the Department of Management of Socio-Economic Systems, in collaboration with the project office UME.lab. The goal of the laboratory is to develop students' skills and competencies in the fields of marketing and sociology, foster analytical thinking and provide experience in teamwork.

Vadim Kleiman, Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Humanities and Economics of the Sukhoi State Technical University of Gomel (GGTU named after P. O. Sukhoi), presented a report on the experience of the university's Sociological Laboratory. Established in 1992, the laboratory is accredited by the Commission on Public Opinion Polls of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus to conduct sociological research. The laboratory is headed by Viktor Kirienko, Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor.  

The roundtable was moderated by: Irina Noskova, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, and Associate Professor at the Department of Management of Socio-Economic Systems at Saint Petersburg University of Management Technologies and Economics; Elena Churina, Director of Scientific and Educational Programs at the Foundation for the Support of Education, Science, and Culture "Universities of Saint Petersburg." The speakers proposed the following topics for discussion: digital tools for managerial decision-making in addressing social issues, including electoral activity and civic identity within the university environment; integration of artificial intelligence into remote work and its impact on organizational efficiency; branding as a tool for improving managerial decisions and its role in organizational success; a model for the regional distribution of labor migrants and its socio-economic implications; sociological aspects of HR-brand formation in Russian companies and strategies for building employer attractiveness; resource provision and technological sovereignty as the foundation for sustainable and secure development, ensuring social stability.

The final event of the conference was the student section titled "Sociological Research on Youth Social Activity in Management Processes" (moderators: Anatoly Mordovets, Candidate of Military Sciences, Associate Professor, and Olga Ugolnikova, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor). Under the guidance of faculty from the Department of Management of Socio-Economic Systems, students prepared reports addressing the social activity of students in the context of rapidly evolving society. The presentations identified factors and scales limiting this activity and highlighted the attitudes of students in the new realities characterized by uncertainty.

In conclusion, Evgeny Shchipanov, Director of the Institute of Management and Information Technologies, commended the high quality of the reports presented, the active engagement of the audience, and the thoughtful questions posed by students to the speakers. He expressed gratitude to all participants for their interest in the conference's themes.