Sustainable Development Discussed at the Conference at UMTE

Sustainable Development Discussed at the Conference at UMTE

18 October 2024

On October 17, the V National Scientific-Practical Conference with International Participation "Sustainable Development (ESG): Finance, Economics, Management" opened at Saint Petersburg University of Management Technologies and Economics.

This conference, traditionally held in October, celebrated its first anniversary this year. In her welcoming speech, Anna Rumyantseva, Vice-Rector for Researh and International Affairs, reminded participants of this fact. She thanked the colleagues who participate annually and noted that this year, partners from Serbia, India, and Uzbekistan had joined the discussion on sustainable development, participating in one of the sections.

The plenary session was moderated by Vladimir Kunin, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor at the Department of International Finance and Accounting, and Elena Sintsova, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, and Head of the Department of International Finance and Accounting. Vladimir Kunin set the tone for the discussion, stating: "Sustainable development is widely discussed, often with varying depths of understanding.  Today, we aim not just to talk but to delve into the methods, tools, and criteria for achieving sustainable development."

The discussion proved to be highly substantive, with participants asking numerous questions and offering their perspectives on the topics discussed. The first speaker was Alexey Minin, an international consultant on digital economy issues and Honorary Professor at UMTE, who has participated in every university conference dedicated to this topic.  His presentation focused on identifying parameters for an optimal sustainable development strategy for enterprises using artificial intelligence algorithms. The speaker emphasized that management, rather than products or services, was becoming the new competitive advantage in today's business environment. He paid significant attention to digital twins of enterprises, which, in his opinion, allow to model solutions and the identification of optimal parameters.

The discussion then shifted from strategic management to the financing of sustainable development. Colleagues from the Center for International Finance of the Financial Research Institute of the Ministry of Finance of Russia presented their insights: Lyudmila Kabir, Chief Researcher, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Economic Sciences, and Ivan Rakov, Junior Researcher, Candidate of Economic Sciences, shared interim results of their research on financing sustainable transformations.  The speakers explained the connection between sustainable development, the green economy, and the ESG-agenda, as well as what exactly is planned to be financed under the umbrella of sustainable development.

A presentation by Ekaterina Ivanova, Economic Advisor at the Corporate Relations Department of the North-Western Main Branch of the Central Bank of Russia, sparked considerable interest. She discussed the Central Bank's agenda in financing sustainable development.

Tatyana Golovina, Head of the Department of Management and Human Resources at the Central Russian Institute of Management (a branch of RANEPA), Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, presented a concept of environmental management for enterprises, suppliers, producers, and processors based on a stakeholder approach. She illustrated its application using examples from the Arctic regions of Russia.

Dmitry Napolskikh, Associate Professor at the Department of Management and Law of the Volga State University of Technology, Candidate of Economic Sciences, delivered a presentation on "Methodological Approaches to Assessing the Impact of Innovative Clusters on the Synchronization and Sustainability of Development in Russian Regions." The plenary session concluded with a speech by Vyacheslav Shkodyrev, Director of the Higher School of "Management and Cyber-Physical Systems" at Peter the Great Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor. He discussed a "Systematic Approach to Optimizing Management Processes in Energy-Intensive Industries and Production Complexes."

The conference continued with the work of two sections: "Sustainable Development in National and Global Economies," which included international colleagues participation and "Sustainable Transformations in Industry, Finance, and Management."

On October 18, as part of the V National Scientific-Practical Conference "Sustainable Development (ESG): Finance, Economics, Management," a student section was held.
