19 November 2024
University professors continue to share their views on the role and mission of higher education teacher and what a teacher should put into his students, besides knowledge.
Yulia Alekseeva, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law and Procedure:
"The mission of a higher education teacher is to inspire students with a passion for profession and science, to teach not just a subject but the profession itself and to respect both the profession and students' choices.
Beyond knowledge, the teacher by his own example should form in students the need for constant professional improvement on the basis of solid theoretical knowledge, as well as the skill of applying new professional tools (to ensure students’ competitiveness). This includes goal-setting, action analysis, teamwork communication, flexibility and integrity, initiative, responsibility, respect for differing opinions and upholding cultural and moral values. High education teachers should foster students’ respect for the other people and the law itself and help students develop the ability to make independent decisions and justify their choices."
Anna-Maria Arias, the Head of the Institute of Language Communication and Psychology:
"In my opinion, the role and mission of a higher education teacher is to instill love and respect for their profession, a desire for personal and professional growth in students.
Besides the knowledge, a teacher must teach students to think, to critically evaluate successes and failures and not to be afraid to change the situation.”
Irina Zaitseva, Associate Professor of the Department of International Finance and Accounting:
"Students often come to us with a pre-formed worldview and ideas about their place in it. This worldview does not always include a serious attitude toward their profession or future work. In such cases, I see my task as fostering a thoughtful and engaged approach to their future careers. Since my field —economics and finance—affects many other spheres of human life, I think that the acquired knowledge and skills will be useful to my students in any case.
Being a teacher is to a certain extent altruistic. Teachers don’t just convey information to the students. Through the process of interaction, they aim to spark interest in their professional field, to motivate students toward self-development and development of research skills and to show them the ways to achieve their goals. Not every student achieves these goals, but their accomplishments always bring joy."
Stepan Oganesyan, Professor of the Department of Civil Law and Procedure:
"The role and mission of a teacher are to preserve and enrich the nation's cultural heritage, guide the education of the younger generation, promote positive socialization and provide proper guidance during a crucial stage of personal development.
Teachers must not only give knowledge but also raise morally and culturally responsible citizens while offering a comprehensive education.
Our three unified missions are education, science, and upbringing. As V.A. Sukhomlinsky said, 'The life, health, mind, character, will, civic and intellectual identity, role in life and happiness of a person depend on us: our skills, wisdom and art.”