09 June 2023
UMTE has been cooperating with the Polotsk State University named after Euphrosyne of Polotsk for many years. That is why UMTE is always happy to host students from PSU who come as part of the academic mobility program. This semester we talked to a 2nd year student who studied at our university in the spring semester of the 2022/2023 academic year at the Law Institute.
- Why did you choose UMTE?
- I made the decision to go almost immediately. I love Saint Petersburg, and staying there for a long period of time was a good opportunity to see the city and meet new people. I chose UMTE because I read a lot of positive reviews about the university and it attracted me with its location. And, of course, it was interesting to exchange learning experiences with students.
- What was required of you to make this internship happen?
- In order to go on the exchange program, it was necessary to prepare a number of documents. The international department of the Polotsk State University named after Euphrosyne of Polotsk and later the international department of UMTE helped with this. It was also necessary to get insurance, undergo a medical examination and take care of accommodation in Saint Petersburg in advance.
I arrived before the beginning of the semester to solve some issues with documentation. I was well received at the university, everyone was friendly and ready to help me if I had difficulties.
- What are your impressions of the learning process?
- I met my classmates on the first day of training. Surprisingly, they treated me well, I quickly joined the team, and I did not have any conflicts. I can also note that my schedule was quite free, as I had to choose at least 4 disciplines, which I did. These disciplines were taught by 3 teachers: Yulia Sergeevna Alekseeva (“Civil Law”), Stepan Mkhitarovich Oganesyan (“Basics of Civil Liability”) and Vitaly Anatolievich Novitsky (“Forensic Examination in Civil Cases and Civil Procedure”). All of them had their own style of teaching, which only increased interest in the disciplines. They all work or worked in the specialty and have sufficient professional experience and knowledge. And they supported the theory with practice, which helped to better understand the topic.
- Are there any differences in the educational process between our university and yours?
- In general, I did not notice any big differences in studying. The Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation have similar norms, which simplifies the studying process. Of course, there were some differences. Also, in Russia there is a five-point system, but in the record book they put not 4 or 5, but "good" and "excellent", respectively, while in our country they write "9 (nine)", "10 (ten)".
- What would you advise students who want to participate in an academic mobility program?
- I would advise others to give it a try if they are confident in their abilities. Keep in mind that you will need to study at both universities at the same time, so you should manage your time properly. I would also advise you to allocate it for walking around the city and visiting excursions and museums, which you will definitely not regret.